There are few better months to be in the garden than May, when blossoms are bursting, bees are buzzing and it’s good to be alive. Here are a few of the jobs to get on with this month:
General tasks:
Mow the lawn regularly removing clippings and adding them to the compost bin. In dry weather let short clippings stay on the lawn to reduce drought damage.
Install water butts to make the most of rainfall – even a shed roof can help build up water supplies to help you through drought.
Ornamental gardens
Treat yourself to waterlily as it’s the perfect time to plant them in your ponds! Plant shallow at first, then lower deeper in the pond as the stems get longer.
Revamp containers emptying out winter bedding displays, removing the topmost compost and replacing with fresh before replanting.
Cut back early-flowering perennials such as doronicum, dicentra and pulmonarias once they finish flowering.
Kitchen garden:
Thin seedlings of direct-sown vegetables to leave 5-10cm between each seedling (depending on variety).
Keep carrots covered with horticultural fleece to make it impossible for carrot fly to find them.
Finish sowing tender veg like French beans on a warm windowsill or in a greenhouse.